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Winestein Beer and Wine Mug
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Wine or Beer, which shall it be? Whether you like sipping wine from a high stemmed goblet, sometimes the situation calls for a drink from an old fashioned big handled stein. Enter the Winestein, a manly beer stein on the outside, and an elegant wine stem on the inside making the Winestein quite versatile. Give the Winestein to a beer loving friend, who has the occasional affinity for wine, or give the Winestein to a wine loving friend who has the occasional weakness for a good beer. In either case the Winestein is sure to be a big hit, the only problem is deciding whether the Winestein is a beer drinker’s wine glass, or a wine drinker’s beer glass. The simple solution is to let your mood decide, and simply go with the pour.
Furthermore, with the recent outburst of microbreweries across the country, many beers must be treated like wines, therefore the best way to meld beer stein, with wine elegance with any of these small-batch craft beers is to pour one into the inner goblet of the mug style Winestein. Whether you’re drinking a fine vintage from your favorite vineyard, or one of Milwaukee’s many brews you will find that the Winestein handles them all with aplomb.

Winestein Beer and Wine Mug

Price $18.99

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Winestein Beer and Wine Mug