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Scoop - Stab - Spread Appetizer Set
Set of 6 | 7 “, 5”, 7.”L If simplicity is a functional virtue, then certainly something can be said for the merits of literal description. As you might already imagine, our set of six Scoop, Stab & Spread™ appetizer tools do just that. Designer Karl Zahn’s choice to further refine each piece for greater functional distinction means that the solid and slotted Scoop can handle tidbits that may arrive in their own jus, Stab includes one single pronged spear and one double-pronged fork ideal for skewering charcuterie, and finally, Spread features an angled spreader and a straight spreader, great for hard or soft cheeses as you like. Handcrafted from durable beech wood at family-owned and operated Bestar under the careful watch of the inimitable founder, Joseph Tzeng.

Scoop - Stab - Spread Appetizer Set

$58.00Sale Price $48.98

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Scoop - Stab - Spread Appetizer Set

Scoop - Stab - Spread Appetizer Set