DigitaLIZA 120 Film Scanning Mask
Have you been frustrated with labs that couldn’t scan your Lomographic prints? Overlapping exposures and panoramas, for example? With the DigitaLIZA 120 Scanning Mask, you’re in control with scanning your negatives the way you want them! The DigitaLIZA’s modern magnetic mechanism holds the sensitive negatives in place so that you can scan them conveniently – in one endless film strip! It’s the first of its kind and compatible with most flatbed scanners available in the market.

Invest in a good flatbed scanner with a backlight unit, and pair it up with this handy accessory – you’ll save a lot of money and give you total control in the overall tone, colour, and resolution of your images. A must-have for the serious Lomographer!

DigitaLIZA 120 Film Scanning Mask

$49.99Sale Price $40.00

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DigitaLIZA 120 Film Scanning Mask

DigitaLIZA 120 Film Scanning Mask